I am something of a grammar snob. When I hear a person misuse the English language, a little part of me itches. When I see quotation marks where none are required, I roll my eyes. And when I see an apostrophe used to pluralize a word, my blood pressure rises.
I don't claim to be perfect. Many times in writing I find that I've erred in an embarrassing manner. But I correct myself. I check my spelling and grammar. I proofread.
I am a fan of such blogs as The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. I've even submitted examples of poor usage. Alas, my submissions have never been published.
So I decided to start my own blog on the topic. And, I decided, I wasn't just going to single out quotation marks or apostrophes. I was going to nitpick at every mistake in English usage I found. I was going to appoint myself chief of the Language Police.
Here I am with blog number four on my Blogger account. Like my Domo blog, this one will be primarily photographic. And, dear readers, feel free to send me any criminal examples you may find, photographic or otherwise.
Do enjoy.